If you're visiting the History Centre, make sure you have a look at our mini exhibitions! In the arcade you can see facsimiles of items in our collections, while original items are in the library.
Current mini exhibitions in the library
A street through time: Collier Street
Collier Street may be gone, but it is not forgotten. This small exhibition reveals Collier Street's past, from its development from the end of the 1820s, its inter-war redevelopment with the construction of Hull Corporation bus station, to its re-development in the early years of the 21st century with the construction of the St. Stephen’s shopping development and new Paragon Interchange. Using some of the records in our holdings we pick out events, landmarks and people offering an insight into one of Hull’s lost streets.
You can read more about Collier Street and its past thanks to our partnership with The Hull Story.
Northern Broadsides Theatre Company
The theatre company Northern Broadsides was founded in 1992 by Hull-born Barrie Rutter, who became its first Artistic Director. The company is based at Dean Clough Mill, Halifax, and performs Shakespearean and classical works as well as new writing. All productions are performed in a Northern Voice. The company performs shows at their theatre in Halifax and on nationwide tours, and has also performed internationally. Productions have included Shakespearean plays ‘Richard III’, ‘Romeo and Juliet’, ‘The Tempest’ and ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, Ted Hughes’ ‘Alcestis’, Blake Morrison’s ‘The Cracked Pot’, Tony Harrison’s ‘The Mysteries’, and Alan Plater’s ‘Sweet William’. Alongside theatrical productions, the company is involved in various local creative ventures including a youth theatre in Halifax, Writer’s Refuge, and Iron People.
Following Barrie Rutter’s resignation as Artistic Director in April 2018, Conrad Nelson acted as Artistic Director until March 2019. Laurie Sansom is the current Artistic Director and Ruth Cooke is the current Executive Director.
This collection (reference U DNBR) includes production files relating to individual productions by Northern Broadsides Theatre Company and administration files relating to the running of the company.
Production files generally include production correspondence, scripts, prompt books, production photographs, reviews, promotional material, wardrobe books, props lists, touring schedules, cast lists, rehearsal notes and other production related papers.
The administration files include press cuttings, Northern Broadsides publications, general promotional material and a plan of the Viaduct Theatre, Halifax.
Current mini exhibitions in the arcade
There are three cases in the arcade showcasing facsimiles of some of our items.
Case 1 contains material relating to our monthly Lunchtime Talk - so after you've heard the talk you can see some related items. In March we're featuring materials relating to the Society for the Reformation of Manners.
Case 2 showcases some of the favourite collections of the History Centre staff. This month, Reader Assistant Caoimhe has chosen the Accounts of the First, Second & Third voyages of Captain James Cook. The History Centre is one of the few places to hold the volumes relating to all three of Cook's voyages - the circumnavigation of the globe, the voyage towards the South Pole, and the voyage in the Pacific Ocean.
Case 3 highlights some of the fantastic science found in our collections, linking in with Colliderfest. See George Gray developing LCD technology at the University of Hull, Eva Crackles celebrating the publication of her book The Flora of the East Riding of Yorkshire, and a group of scientists examining a piece of moon rock!