The Hull History Centre has secured a number of awards since it opened in 2010, here we highlight a few of them.
Archive Service Accreditation
Archive Service Accreditation is the UK standard for archive services. It defines good practice and identifies agreed standards within the archive sector. It offers a benchmark for gauging performance, recognising achievement and driving improvement within the archives sector.
The award of accredited status in March 2017 demonstrated that Hull History Centre performs well in all aspects of governance and management, collections management , and provision of services to all users. The service is sustainable and robust, ensuring the long term acquisition, preservation and accessibility of our archive heritage.

The Accreditation Panel commended the achievements of Hull History Centre in delivering a very positive service offering strong outreach and innovation, particularly in cataloguing and digital preservation. The constituent archives have embraced the opportunities of co-location to provide a positive experience for their users.
Archives and Records Association Volunteering Award 2013
Hull City Archives won the national Volunteering Award 2013 from the Archives & Records Association in recognition of work carried out on Hull's Second World War records.
Eighty volunteers were recruited to help with the project and it was their work, and the work of the History Centre staff in managing the volunteers, with assistance from the City Council's volunteering team, which so impressed the judges.
Civic Trust Award
The Hull History Centre was one of 27 projects to be recognised with an Award from the Civic Trust in March 2011. The award is given "to projects that make an outstanding contribution to the quality and appearance of the environment. Award level schemes must demonstrate excellence in architecture or design, sustainability, inclusive design and make a positive social, cultural, environmental or economic benefit to the local community."
Wood Awards, Structural category
The Wood Awards is the UK's premier architecture and furniture competition celebrating excellence in design in the world's most sustainable material. The criteria for these awards are based on design, craftsmanship, quality of installation and do not take size or value into account. Hull History Centre received the award in October 2010.
Civic Society's Good Mark Award
In August 2010 the Civic Society recognised that the Hull History Centre is already 'enhancing our lives by providing a significant new destination'. They also commented that it is an impressive and unique building, and it well deserves current appreciation as one of the country's most exciting archival research and resource centres.
The Chair of the Civic Society, John Netherwood, presented the award to the Lord Mayor of Kingston upon Hull and Admiral of the Humber, Councillor David Gemmell OBE, and Dr Richard Heseltine, University Librarian and Director of Academic Services at the University of Hull.
The presentation was made at a small ceremony that also marked the 30,000th visitor to the building.