Hull History Centre exterior

Our Vision and Mission

Hull History Centre is a partnership between Hull City Council and the University of Hull. The City Council’s obligations to the partnership are administered and delivered on its behalf by Hull Culture & Leisure a wholly owned Hull City Council company. The University Archives are part of the University Library.


Our vision is to make history available to all, for research, for learning and for leisure, and to inspire interest in the City of Hull, its significant past, present and future.


  • Acquire and permanently preserve archival and other collections within the scope of our acquisitions policy.
  • Provide access to the collections and professional advice on their use.
  • Promote the use of our local history and archival collections to inspire interest in the history of the City of Hull and its people.
  • Promote the use of our nationally and internationally important archival collections to support research and learning for audiences across the world.
  • Engage people in inspiring educational experiences, helping to raise educational aspirations and attainment, foster lifelong learning and develop skills.
  • Raise public understanding of the importance of archives.

Last reviewed and updated June 2016.