National Civilian WW2 Memorial Trust
3 April, 10.30am-3pm
Free, drop-in (no booking required)
Display of original Second World War documents and photographs with film screenings:
12.00-1.05pm - The Blitz (1992)
1.45-2.50pm – The Beginning of the End (2004)
Lunchtime Club: Hull Grammar School: 1330 to the Present Day
Mike Rymer
8 April, 12.30pm
Come along and discover the history of Hull Grammar School. Explore the famous alumni, the early curriculum and its social impact on the city and beyond.
History Centre Behind the Scenes Tour: April
19 April, 11am-12pm - NOW FULLY BOOKED
Join us for a fascinating journey through the strongrooms and conservation areas of the History Centre, with a chance to look at some exciting historic documents along the way…
The tour will take 1 hour.
Victory Celebrations in Hull
Free, drop-in (no booking required)
3 May, 9.30am-4.30pm
In May 1945, after six long years, the people of Hull could finally celebrate the end of the Second World War. To discover how the people marked this momentous day join us for a free screening of archival footage showing celebrations across the city.
There will also be a display of original photographs and documents.
Film duration: 40 mins
Screenings: 10am, 12pm, and 2pm
History Centre Behind the Scenes Tours: May
3 May, 11am-12pm
17 May, 11am-12pm
Free, booking required
Join us for a fascinating journey through the strongrooms and conservation areas of the History Centre, with a chance to look at some exciting historic documents along the way…
The tour will take 1 hour.
Places are limited so please book in advance. To book your place you can email us, call us on 01482 317500, or speak to a member of staff at the enquiry desk during our opening hours.
Lunchtime Club: Hull Rag and Bone Men
George Norris
13 May, 12.30pm
Hull-based photographer George Norris, who comes from generations of Hull horse traders and rag-and-bone merchants, retraces his family’s journey to Appleby Horse Fair travelling by horse and cart. The Norris family have traded, bred and used horses in their work for over a hundred and fifty years and are a well known family in Hull.